Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal Want Dog For Ring Bearer

They don’t call them “Man’s best friend” for no reason!! Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have reportedly expressed interest in having their dog serve as ring bearer at their wedding. A-FRIGIN-DORABLE!

The dog in question is a German Shepherd named Atticus who at one time belonged to Jake and ex-girlfriend Kirsten Dunst. However a source revealed to the National Enquirer that, “Atticus now lives with Reese full-time. He is great with her kids and makes her feel safe when Jake is away. It was totally Reese’s idea to give Atticus a role in the wedding. Jake has fallen into the role of stepdad to her kids, so it is only fitting that Reese has more or less adopted Atticus as her own too!”

No wedding plans have been announced yet, but the pair just recently purchased a $5 million Los Angeles home so chances are the wedding isn’t too far away.



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