Sunday, December 30, 2018

Review of Decoding Your Dreams by Jennifer LeCLaire

I  was skeptical about this book but turned out to be informative.  God moved his people in unconscious states in scripture. Genesis 2:21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slep: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh . Again in Genesis, we read that the Lord put Abraham into a deep sleep to speak to him about a covenant. Daniel fell into a deep sleep while the angel was speaking to him about the interpretation of visions from the Lord. 

"Problem-solving dreams are just what they sound like-dreams that offer revelation about how to solve a problem you're experiencing. This could be a personal problem, a family problem. God is the ultimate problem solver" page 51

On page 57 it says" The many names of God are significant. Jehovah Nissi means the Lord my banner. Jehovah Rapha means the Lord that heals. Jehovah Jireh means the Lord will provide. Jehovah Shalom means the Lord is peace. " Page 60 says " We need to return to sound doctrine that strengthes the spirits and souls of the disciple's, encourages them to contend for the true faith, and refuses to sugar-coat the Christian walk...walk with Christ no matter what it costs us. We need to be faithful when the Lord comes."

I learned that 8 people found salvation on Noah's ark when God flooded the earth. God started new with those people after the flood. On page 101 it says" God can settle our emotions in a dream. If we're walking through a season of loneliness or grief, He can comfort us in a dream and soothe those feelings. If we are walking through a season of frustration, He can show us positive outcomes Accord to his will to stir our faith. If we are going through a season of denial, he can show us what we need to see so we can face it, accept it, and move on. "

Psalm 25:2 says O my God,I trust in you; may I not be ashamed; may my enemies not triumph over me. Psalm 59:10 says the God of loving kids will go before me; God will cause me to look in triumph on my enemies.

On page 117 it says " loosing teeth in a dream can point to stress, loss, or confusion in your life. " On page 117 it says "In the case of divorce can be from lack of communication. People were unwilling or unprepared to move forward. One person would betray me in the process.
Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Friday, December 28, 2018

A few inspiring quotes on God

Wherever you are, close your eyes, and imagine God doing the same for you!

Collect the pieces of your broken heart for all the blows that life has thrown at you. , God will heal all your wounds and I assure you that your sins and mistakes will be forgiven.

There is a warranty called grace, that when you recognize that you were wrong and you accept God as your only savior, the manager of the existence of the universe (GOD) will tell you: "Everything is already paid for ... go on your way, go!


Friday, December 14, 2018

Review of the book NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible by D.A. Carson

I learned a few things from reading this book. One was the chronology of Noah's time in the ark. The water prevailed for 150 days. Then the waters abated for 150 days. Then the earth dries in 70 days. Total time in the ark was 370 days. The second thing I learned was all about Jacob's journey's.(This comes from a map and a paragraph found on page 76 of the book.) First he went to the Euphrates-Balikh river was basin was his destination. Jacob's lengthy sojourn ended in a dispute with Laban and another flight-this time back to Canaan. His route likely took him toward Aleppo, then to Damacus and Edrel before reaching Peniel on the Jabbok River. He and his dependents reached the hill country of Gilead before their Caravan was overtaken by Laban. Jacob lingered at Sukkoth, entered Cannan and proceeded to Shecheim, where he erected an altar to the Lord.

I learned some interesting things about Exodus. From page104 "Some contemporary scholars question weather or not the Exodus happened at all, pointing to its abscense in Egyptian records and lack of archaeological support. However official Egyptian records empathize military success rather than humiliation defeat. Thus they would not record an event like the Exodus. " I also learned about how to furnish a tabernacle which is a symbolism of God's redemptive covenant was preserved making each element for the worshipper. From page 150 " Ark of the covenant, it was a conventional way of depicting extreme reverence, with facing winged guardians shielding a sacred place." We also talk about the tabernacle made by Moses in the wilderness. It was a portable shrine carried on poles and covered with thin sheets of gold" From page 152.

Another thing I learned was The Israelites location where and how long. "For several months they delivered from Egypt. It took them 2 months and travel to Sinai. They were encamped at Sinai for 10 months. Then took several months to travel to Kadesh. Then took 38 years to travel to and stay at the plains of Moab. " From page 224.

On page 1675 it talks about New Testament Chronology. "Christ was born in 65 CE. In AD 78 Christ was in the temples at age 12.  Then John the Baptist begins his ministry. Christ begins his ministry. Christ was baptized. John the Baptist was imprisoned. John the Baptist dies. Christ's was when he was crucified on the cross. " On page 1764 it talks about things that Christ did.  He drove out impure spirits, He healed a man with leprosy. He heals a paralyzed man. He eats with sinners, he rebuked Pharisees and teachers about the law, he heals a deaf and mute man. He feeds 4,000 people. Jesus heals another blind man..."

Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

A great find from Facebook

 * I didn’t write this * As you know, I once was an evangelical megachurch pastor and my pastoral career stretched over many years. Eventual...