Sunday, February 24, 2019

Review Of The Book The Theft Of America's Soul by Phil Robertson

On page 29 he says " The entertainment industry mocks religion and celebrates perversity. Universities teach the death of God and Satan with scientific precision. Physicians and psychologists tell us that when we die, the lights go out forever. When you remove Christ from the public square, from courthouses and schools, when you bar truth from it's institutions , should it come as a surprise that the devil steps in to fill the void. "

On page 45 it says " When God is dead, so is his divine truth. And without divine truth, without truth to govern our human conduct, we fall for the devil's lie. Living in that lie, men and women become the worst version of themselves... Devil convinced us there's no absolute moral for sexuality ( which the Bible confines to the marital bed),. There's no absolute truth when life begins ( which the Bible says begins before the first cells are knit in the womb.) There's no absolute truth about the definition of marriage ( which the Bible indicates as being between one man and one woman, til death do they part.)

On page 64 it says " What is the purpose of all this life that the Almighty created for us? Why did he give us plants and animals to subdue for our own provision? The answer is simple.: God wanted us to understand his goodness. "

On page 70 it says" Recognize the beauty in the life of a fellow man. Remember that his blood ain't yours to take, wether the blood of an unborn baby or elderly woman minding her business in a Texas church. Choose life. And when you do, watch as God saved your soul. And then give thanks."

On page 76 it says " When we ignore the God  of the universe and Chase our own desires, we fall under the illusion of the evil one. Common sense seems illogical. And in this delusion we become blind to the truth of God."

On page 79 it says " Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and we're inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men,and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:26-27)"

On page 85 it says " it's no secret that I've taken fire over my beliefs and hatred for reporting what the scripture says. I don't hate anyone whose mired in what the Bible calls sin. In fact, I love them. If I truly hated them, I wouldn't share the truth with them"

On page 100 it says " Suppose a Nation in some distant region shoul e the Bible for their only law justice and kindness and charity toward his fellow men...what a paradise would this region be... Adams believed that if our country relied on scriptures... We'd be more sober, frugal, hard-working, law-abiding,kind, generous, reverent,and loving people. Doesn't that sound like the country you want to live in? It sounds like the closets thing to heaven we could experience this side of death if you ask me."

On page 125 it says " The courts have declared it is unconstitutional for teachers and principals to lead Christian prayer in public school. We've certainly seen a rise in violence, drug use,and mass shootings in public schools since the 1960s and '70s...The supreme Court has declared that judges and courthouses cannot publicly display the 10 commandments. An especially  odd decision since a likeness of Moses carrying the 10 commandments is displayed on the frieze in the supreme Court building. Could there be any better place to display the 10 commandments than the very courthouses where a criminal will be tried and convicted for lying, stealing or killing? I don't think so."

On page 127 it says " Wether a Christian Baker has the right to refuse service  to a same sex couple getting married. I don't hate any member of the gay community. In fact, I love them, and want them to know the truth of God's word, how it might set them free. So, though, I would bake the cake for the couple, I wouldn't write anything on it that would make me compromise the truth of God's law-the marriage is between a man and a woman. And if the couple asked why, I'd tell them it's because it's the law of God which is unchanging..."

Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Review Of The Book Beyond Belief by Susan Tive and Cami Ostman

On page 44 it says " Why would heavenly father make eternal salvation dependent on a few sentences and a dip in a hot tub? Can't he just look in our hearts and know?

On page 58 the rabbi said " A woman's voice is a precious jewel, of course a jewel shouldn't be flashed around. A jewel should be kept in a safe and treasured place. That is why women are not to sing in public."

On page 63 it says " were we really like the cursed children of Cain, destined to be slaves because God made it so? And if he really loved us, how were we, his children, Allowed to suffer so much?

On page 76 it says " Jesus claimed to know the truth.the way, and the life, so I wanted to know him-to sit at his feet and drink him in, his words,his ways, everything. "

On page 143 it says " I can't believe that a child would be better off with a mother committing suicide than she would be in daycare... Of course he would be better and safer in daycare than with a mother in the home with severe mental illness"

On page 199 it says" I just cannot imagine a God who wouldn't admit to heaven a Loatian, a Tibetan, an African who never heard the won Christian? How can an all knowing, just God sent eternal life to someone just because he was unlucky enough to be born in a pagan country? I can't see God that's mean"

On page 241 " Religion wasn't worth it if solitude, divorce,and decimated self worth were the fruits of trying see so hard to do the right thing"

On page 246 it says " my mother, like all Jehovah's witnesses, saw persecution as proof that we were special and beloved by the one true master."

On page 249 " I continued to go to the meetings and out in service every weekend. I conducted Bible studies with people of good faithwho were hungry for the truth. Yet I knew in my heart I was starving. I was living an inauthentic life, taking no pride at all separating the sheep from the goats. Like a racehorse at the starting date, I felt pumped to run, snorting at the sight of the track, waiting for the Bell to ring and the gate to open to a much mider world."

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Bible Study Number 5

This is from the book It's Not Supposed To Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst

Let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of faith (Hebrews 12: 1b-2a NIV)

What do you need to turn your eyes away from in order to fix our eyes on Jesus and run the race? We don't have to know the way or make the way ourselves. We have the author to follow. The only one who knows our story from beginning to end, and whose gone before us to prepare the way.

Bible Study From KingdomNomics

Jesus has alot to say about money and the dangers associated with it. Money is dangerous. It can be so decietful. Excessive worrying about money is one mask that can hinder us from developing our relationship with God. Another mask may be an unhealthy desire for money, an assumption that we'll be more satisfied if we have alot of money. If it controls us, we make it an idol. We must control money, use it in our service to God.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Review Of The Book Depression In Later Life by Deborah Serani

 Some risk factors of depression are fear of death, female, lack of a supportive social network, living alone, social isolation, mutiple medications, mutiple physical illnesses, neurological illness, recent fall or injury, recent loss of a loved one, single, unmarried, divorced or widowed, sleep disturbance, stressful life event, untrated subclinical depression.

Some people have weight gain from the depressive symptoms of overeating and decreased activity. Suicide is a significant risk for anyone with a mental illness
 Over 3,000 people die each day by suicide. Every 40 seconds someone dies from suicide.  Falls should never be considered a normal part of aging. Depression is a very real illness that effects the emotional, social, behavioral, physical health of a person. The word health organization has stated that depression is a global crisis. Approximately 7 million older meet the criteria for a depressive disorder. A serious mental illness cannot be willed away or brushed aside with a change in attitude. Ignoring the problem doesn't give it the slip either. Depression is a serious but treatable illness with success rates of upward of 80 percent for those who seek treatment. Talking about depression reduces symptoms. This is the whole goal of talk therapy, to talk about your experiences, thoughts and concerns. People with depression can live, full productive lives.

Bible Study

 This again comes from the book It's Not Supposed To Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst.

Don't be afraid to light up the darkness with the voice whose been there, whose maybe still fighting her way through. Show others that they are not alone, that you too, know what it's like to work through the fire.

When we view the pain we feel during the process as God's way of preparing us for his promise, it changes things. Not as much as we'd like to push the fast forward button, rushing the process to relieve ourselves from the pain can actually cause more harm than good. If we try to numb our pain, or if God gave us the relief we desired before we were ready, we'd miss out in the process of being molded, prepared and strengthes for what's ahead, we'd be robbed of complieteness.

God says I am the way and truth and the life(John 14:6), I am forever faithful ( Psalms 146:6) , I am with you (Isaiah 41:10), I am holding you(Psalms 73:23) , I am your hiding place (Psalms 32:7)

Review Of Book Costly Grace by Rob Schenck

I really enjoyed this book. I read it in 3 days. On page 54 says " Most people think of ministers as faith filled and dutifully obedient, no matter their circumstances , but that wasn't my experience, nor would it be for most of the men of God I would come to know. We all have breaking points, and clergy are no exception. Like Moses, who lost his temper over the rebellious Israelites and smote the rock, rather than speak to it as God had instructed, I would lose my patience more than once, sinning in the process. One well known evangelist friend who landed in the hospital due to exhaustion recounted to me how he lay in bed moaning why God? Why? I'm doing everything you told me to do. Then he heard a voice from heaven thunder my servant, you're full of shit. It was his rather unconventional way of describing both his moment of reckoning and his irreverent humanity."

On page 70 it says " Evangelists had played a role in getting Reagan elected, and we were determined to flex that newfound muscle by demanding our politicians pay attention to our dislike of homosexual rights, women's rights, and smutty lyrics and urging them to bring back prayer back to public Schools and morality back into the public conversation."

On page 95 it says " I began to see the property life movement as a battle of civil rights. Something deeply, morally wrong was taking place right in front of us, and we could not be among those good people who my father had warned did nothing when the Nazis we're exterminating our people the Jews."

On page 97 it says " I came quickly to know that by 10 or 11 weeks of gestation, all ten fingers and toes of a fetus we're formed, and the face was clearly human. Sonograms we're grainy and rough then, but there were plenty of photos, including in utero ones that showed childlike forms with cherubic faces and tuff's of hair, some even sucking their thumbs. I also came to see the Bible clearly condemned this, affirming the child in the womb as a full member of the human family. God told the prophet Jeremiah before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. There was no nuisance here, no relative meaning, no justification. Abortion was wrong in each and every instance. "

On page  126 it says " I spoke about the sanctity and inherent values of every human life, including the most fragile and vulnerable of God's creatures in the womb. I compared our times to biblical days when Molech was the false idol to which humans were sacrifices. We too worship false God, the false God's of selfishness,zyzal of financial security, of a better life, and we are offering our children as human sacrifices on that idols altar. That is an abomination in the eyes  of God. " On page 130 it says " Present Clinton prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals in the military. It was a policy signaled an unleashing of sodomy and perversion in the unlikeliest of places, the armed services. "

 On page 213 it says " President Bush said the right to life cannot be granted or decreed by government, Because it does not come from the government, it comes from the creator of life. " On page 275 it says " A scenario in which someone walks into a crowded church, pulls out a gun, threatening to take our the whole congregation. If there was not someone else with a weapon, it would be a mass homicide, Because the only thing that stops a bad guy is a good guy with a gun." On page 252 it says" Grace is costly Because it was costly to God, because it cost God the life of God's son. "

Friday, February 08, 2019

Third Bible Study

This is from the book It's Not Supposed To Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst

We have an author, and it's none other than God himself. creator of the universe AND each of us. Our author has alot to say about who and what we are. It's when we don't know and believe the truth, we begin to fall prey to the opinions of others. Allow ourselves to be covered in labels that don't actually fit such as you aren't worth it, you aren't accepted, you aren't pretty enough. We must let God's word become the words of our story. God's words , the Bible, contains truth of who we are. God will be with us always, to the very end. The world may say we'll never amount to anything, but God says we are his handiwork, created to do God's good works. The world may say we're not worth it, but God says we are SO worth it.He sent his son Jesus to die on a cross so we could be made right with him and spend all eternity with him.

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Some Fascinating Facts About Coke

This came from the book Citizen Coke by Bartow Elmore

Coke- cola was the world's most valuable brand in 2012. It was selling more than 1.8 billion beverage servings per day ( one serving for every four people on Earth. It was the twenty-second - most profitable company in the United States, with revenues topping$48 billion and net income over 9 billion, making it one of the greatest profit-generating businesses in world history.

Coke never really owned the name coca-cola. The first half of Coca-Cola's moniker was merely appropriated from the ancient language of the Quechua people of South America. Over 5,000 years ago , those Peruvian Highlanders first coined the term coca to describe a shrub that grew along the steep, verdant slopes of the Andes. The Quechua became attached to this plant because they found that chewing it's leaves kept them energized through out the day. Coca leaf contained small quantities of cocaine, an alkaloid later identified in the pharmacological world as triple reuptake inhibitor, which meant it prevented the human body from storing important transmitters that regulate blood flow and mood states. The result was that the Andeans felt more alert and invigorated over longer periods of time while consuming coca leaves.

Between 1943 and 1954, Coke had spent$46.4 million on caffeine. It doubled it's annual consumption of the drug , consuming well over a million pounds per year by 1955. With the military paving the way, Coke's oversees sales exploded. The company sold over 10 billion bottles of it's soft drink to Us soldiers between 1941 and 1945.

A great find from Facebook

 * I didn’t write this * As you know, I once was an evangelical megachurch pastor and my pastoral career stretched over many years. Eventual...