Sienna's Really Good at Faking it, Eh Jude?
Though the reviews for Factory Girl have been less-than-rave so far, buzz is that Sienna's sexy on-screen good times are, shall we say, aggressively convincing. So much so, that the rumor has started circulating that the intercourse shown isn't in fact fake. Sweet, Porn. The story goes that Sienna and her co-star Hayden Christensen dated briefly while making the film, and though they were broken up by the time the sex scene was scheduled to shoot, the two felt comfortable enough with each other to forgo the nude sock-like contraptions usually used in such circumstances and instead bump uglies for real.
Sienna's Rep has responded by saying that of course the sex scenes are only simulated and chocks the rumors up to Sienna's impeccable acting abilities. So apparently she's got a special talent for bedroom acting. Hey, the girl got to where she is somehow, after all.
Source: PopSugar
Sienna's Rep has responded by saying that of course the sex scenes are only simulated and chocks the rumors up to Sienna's impeccable acting abilities. So apparently she's got a special talent for bedroom acting. Hey, the girl got to where she is somehow, after all.
Source: PopSugar