New Britney OK! UK Interview

You landed your big break on The Mickey Mouse Club aged 11. Have you ever felt that you lost your childhood?
I only did the show for two years, and for six months out of each year I was at home all the time. I had a wonderful childhood I was probably in my tenth year of school when I left to record my album - so I did the whole prom thing and played on the basketball team. There are some kids in show business who are always in New York and constantly going to audition, but I was fortunate it wasn’t like that for me.
When did you decide that you wanted to be a performer?
It was when I was on the Mickey Mouse Club that I realized I had a major love of music. We were involved in concerts and were in the recording studio, and I was like: “I want to go for this!” When the show was canceled, it was sad, I just wanted to get back out there again. That’s when I went to Jive records
and they signed me.
You once said it’s scary to be a role model. Why is that?
Because I make mistakes. If I do something wrong, I don’t want teenagers to feel like they should go out and do that as well. If you’re a role model, that’s what happens.
You mean it’s a lot of responsibility?
Yes, I don’t like that. I’m just Human.
But you have inspired a lot of kids…
I hope so I think that if they have some talent, whether it be singing, dancing, acting or whatever, and God has given them that gift then they should go for it and let the world see it.
It’s great to see you back to your gorgeous best. How does it feel to be a sex symbol?
Ha Ha! It’s very flattering, I think you’re sexier when you don’t try and you’re just yourself. It’s kind of weird, though, that people say that sometimes. I mean, a girl is lying if she says she doesn’t like to feel sexy. We all like to feel sexy!
Do you feel as though the public doesn’t get to see the real Britney?
Everyone reckons I’m native. When I’m on stage, they definitely see the real me. When I’m not performing, they just have me down as some girl with blonde hair.
Someone once asked me, “Do you think that because you’re blonde, you have more fun?” I was like “No, not at all!” Its just this is how I look and what works on top of what I do’ You should be happy for a person, not just assume they are a certain way.
I’m trying to be successful, can you be over-ambitious?
Yes. I think I have that problem. I honestly do. I’m such a perfectionist sometimes. It has its good points, but then it has its bad points because you’re never satisfied.
I don’t think you should ever be completely satisfied as then you’re putting a limit on yourself. You should be happy with the person you are on the inside, but on the outside you should always be trying to strive for more.
And does that make you happy?
You end up driving yourself crazy because you’re never pleased with the finished project. You’re always like ‘ Well if I’d done it like this, then it probably would’ve been a lot better.
If you have to choose between career or family, what would come first?
I would choose both. Why not? But, of course, If it really came down to it, Family!.
What about getting older? Is it possible to age within pop business?
Yes, definitely. Madonna is proof of that.
When you and Justin Timberlake were an item, what was the most memorable gift he gave you?
For my birthday, he gave me a diamond music box that I wore around my neck. When you open it, there’s a diamond pink bee. It’s very pretty.
You once said: ‘Sex is better than chocolate.’ What exactly were you referring to?
[Laughs] That was blown way out of proportion I was eating chocolate at this chocolate factory and I was asked.
Is chocolate an orgasmic-feeling for you?
I said ‘ Sneezing is,’ That’s all it was. I guess chocolate can be, though!
Soccer is getting bigger and bigger in America. Who is your favorite player, and are you any good at the sport?
David Beckham - he’s a cutie. I am not a very good soccer player, so I have to get someone to help me. Maybe he can…
When it comes to making music videos, which ones do you prefer - those that are sad or those that are fun?
The fun ones because the hours you spend shooting a video are really long. It’s nice to be doing something fun, especially when you have dancers around - they’re crazy
Do you like being challenged and trying new things?
Oh Definitely!! That’s why every award show I attend, I do a different performance. I always change it up a lot, and it’s good for the fans too as they got to see me more.
Im always trying to set myself new goals. You have to do that to be on top.
How do you hope to be remembered?
That I was just able to put a smile on people’s faces. That saw me in a movie and they left the movie theater feeling good, or they saw me dancing and it inspired them.