Angelina Jolie at Grauman’s Chinese Theater (November 9).

Making a surprise appearance on the red carpet, Angelina Jolie attended DreamWorks Animation’s “Kung Fu Panda” and “Secrets of the Furious Five” co-DVD release party at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Los Angeles on Sunday (November 9).
Accompanied by her “Kung Fu Panda” co-stars Dustin Hoffman and Jack Black, the “Wanted” actress looked sexy in a black mini dress as she waved to fans and photographers alike.
As for snapping back into shape, Miss Jolie explained that she has to credit video games for her fine form.
“The kids were convincing her that video games were more than just fun,” a source told press. “They explained to her you can do anything from practice math to learn to read music and exercise.”
The insider tells that Ang quickly got hooked on the game Let’s Pilates! when her eldest son, Maddox, was showing his brothers and sisters how to use the Nintendo Wii console.
“She tries to get in an hour of Pilates three times a week,” the source adds. “She’s picking it up pretty quickly and is already at the hardest setting!”
Source: celebrity-gossip