Star Magazine claims Katie is on the verge.

A source told Star that Katie has been suffering from dizzy spells and headaches that cause her to feel faint and see black spots. Katie's also feeling the pressure to lose even more weight even though she's stick thin.
Sources blame Katie's life with Tom on the reason why she's shutting down.
An insider, "Katie doesn't get enough sleep — and hasn't for months now. She's tired and drained much of the day because Tom is so wired, and they stay awake until after midnight. He has boundless energy, and she just can't compete."
The insider also said that Tom is gone for days at a time and told Katie, "You can be with me, but don't ask about it."
Furthermore, Katie is in charge of decorating their $35 million mansion and Tommy has made it clear that he wants a masterpiece. The insider added, "It's on Katie's shoulders to pull off something beyond magnificent, something Tom can brag about. She's giving herself headaches thinking about it and making herself sick."