Ashton's new show isnt doing well

Hyped as a show that would "turn the tables" on the paparazzi, Ashton Kutcher's, Pop Fiction, has been tearing up the ratings with mostly yawns and bored indifference. Despite debuting only two weeks ago, celebrity gossip magazines and paparazzi are already on to everything Kutcher does, and if they miss something, you wouldn't care

Several weekly magazine editors tell Rush & Malloy:

There's nothing these people do that we don't know about before they get there. We know everything. Ninety percent of their lives are put together by other people. It's almost like these celebs have LoJack. It's easy to track them."..."In Hollywood, anytime anyone decides to be in on the joke and critique themselves, no one cares. It's not having the effect they thought it would. No one can sympathize with celebs. They're always in on it themselves, whether they're pulling the joke or not. Another weekly editor snipes that Kutcher's E! show, which also featured Eva Longoria Parker, "is awful. It's a mostly a lot of D-listers we don't care about. [We] wouldn't cover anyone on that show - with the exception of Avril. This show won't go anywhere. No one is watching it."


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