Britney Spears Wants Jamie Lynn Spears to Move In
An item on Jamie Lynn Spears' fansite reports that Britney Spears has asked her sister the teen mom to move in with her in Los Angeles. And bring along baby Maddie Briann too.
Jamie Lynn has reportedly moved out of her Mississippi home with fiance Casey Aldridge. Reports suggest that he has been cheating on Jamie Lynn with another woman.
The 19-year-old Aldridge reportedly hooked up with 28-year-old Kelli Dawson before, during and after Jamie Lynn's pregnancy.
Aldridge denies the charges.
In Casey's defense, Britney Spears would have been his sister-in-law. That would send any man screaming into the arms of the nearest adultress.
"Brit has assured Jamie Lynn that she'll build a nursery for Maddie—even promising that when she buys her new place, it will have a special wing for them," a source says.
Jamie Lynn has reportedly moved out of her Mississippi home with fiance Casey Aldridge. Reports suggest that he has been cheating on Jamie Lynn with another woman.
The 19-year-old Aldridge reportedly hooked up with 28-year-old Kelli Dawson before, during and after Jamie Lynn's pregnancy.
Aldridge denies the charges.
In Casey's defense, Britney Spears would have been his sister-in-law. That would send any man screaming into the arms of the nearest adultress.
"Brit has assured Jamie Lynn that she'll build a nursery for Maddie—even promising that when she buys her new place, it will have a special wing for them," a source says.