Save Layla

Nick Carter asked his mother, Jane Carter, to care for his dog Layla while he's busy working on the Backstreet Boys reunion tour. Nick was even paying Jane to care for her.
Well, Jane turned around and dropped Layla off at an animal shelter in Tampa, FL. without Nick's knowledge.
Nick found out when the shelter checked a microchip implant in Layla. The chip traced back to Ranelle Black who originally rescued the dog from a Los Angeles animal shelter. She let Nick adopt Layla in 2006. Ranelle called Nick and he had no idea.
His rep said, "Nick is devastated and frustrated, and is doing everything he can to get Layla safely back." Nick is working to either charter a plane to bring her back or hire handlers to bring her safely back to him. Commercial airline have a pit bull ban.
Source: TMZ
Source: TMZ