OK! Magazine is selling the dress Britney Spears reportedly wiped her fried chicken fingers on.

his dress came from that infamous interview and photoshoot the magazine did with her.
In the aftermath, our staff discovered over $21,000 in missing and damaged clothing and accessories, including this gorgeous Versace gown from the Spring 2007 Collection.After reimbursing retailers for the damaged goods, we'd love to turn this once-negative into a positive by donating the proceeds of this auction to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D.). We reacted to Britney's heartbreaking cry for help by chronicling the day in print for her and the world to see it was time for change. And now, we're asking that you bid heavily towards M.A.D.D. -- an organization who's call for change is something that we all admire.
Right now the starting bid on eBay is $1,500.