Mandy Moore says ‘who needs 0′?

Singer and actress Mandy Moore says she’s not a size 0 because she’s ‘not 14 anymore’
She says: “I appreciate when there are other women out there who are beautiful and aren’t, you know, a pound. I feel lucky that I don’t feel pressure to have my whole life be controlled by whether I fit into a certain size.”
Mandy who says she’s generally comfortable with how she looks says that no one looks like their pictures all the time and that stars have alot of help to look the part ” When you’re a star, you have professionals who make you look a certain way. I can’t roll out of bed and look that way.”
Finally she says that we should embrace our differences instead of holding one or two people up as ‘ideal’ because it isn’t realistic, and she’s happy to represent the non-0 side of things:
“I’m very comfortable with the way that I look, but it’s not fair for women to use someone or something as a bar. It’s not reality, for anyone. I am happy to be myself and represent something different for women.”