Those Two Kissing Ain't Normal!

Star Magazine has issued an apology for posting a picture of Adam Sandler r and Kevin James mock-kissing in their "NOT NORMAL" section. According to Towleroad EIC of Star, Candace Truzzo issued this statement:
"'Normal/Not Normal' is supposed to be funny, and I regret that this particular photo caption was offensive and not written in a way to make it clear that we were being humorous. The joke was that Kevin James and Adam Sandler are not gay. If the kiss was between Lance Bassand his boyfriend or any other gay celebrities it would be 'Normal.' Let me point out that in the same issue of STAR, we devote the entire Couples News lead to Neil Patrick Harris and his boyfriend moving in together . Now that's normal. I sincerely apologize that our attempt at humor was perceived by some to be offensive to the gay community. That was certainly not our intent. We are proud that we support the gay community and will continue to do so."