Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mark Wahlberg has "gay issues."

The actor says that filmmaker Ang Lee was originally considering him for a part in the gay cowboy story Brokeback Mountain, but he was uncomfortable with the subject matter and is happy he didn't pursue the role.

Marky Mark says he was "a little creeped out" at the prospect of having to play gay.

Says Wahlberg, "I met with Ang Lee on that movie, I read 15 pages of the script and got a little creeped out. It was very graphic, descriptive - the spitting on the hand, getting ready to do the thing. "I told Ang Lee, 'I like you, you're a talented guy, if you want to talk about it more...' Thankfully, he didn't."

He adds, "I didn't rush to see Brokeback, it's just not my deal... Obviously, it was done in taste - look how it was received."

Source: PerezHilton

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