New candids : Britney in Las Vegas!


Anonymous said…
Hi Kat I'm Vanessa from Britney-Addicted, I used to go on bexperts and I learnt what happened to ur site I hope bexperts will beback very soon because this is the best site of Britney I'm not lying ur team is very friendly, very sweet u represent all the good Britney fans.
Ps : hope the video of kevin will rock.
Anonymous said…
i couldn't agree more with Vanessa (you took the words out of my mouth) lol!
Anonymous said…
i m sad 4 your site it was my favorite plzz come back soon i love how brit look on the picture even we dont see her face lool
Anonymous said…
yes I miss the team and the site so much (and also people on the tag board : louisa, bonjour and other). But I know that the site will be back stronger than yesterday like Britney. And that is so good to see the blog of Kat.
Anonymous said…
and I miss roxi too. I din't understand why people go on a blog just for criticize britney if they hate her why they talk about her, her life, and also Sean, I hate a lot of hollywood b!tches but I don't go on site just 4 being nasty.
Anonymous said…
Hey why are you not using your name ??? And who said that miss me ???
Anonymous said…
soory that's what me vaness i have no account here so

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