KEVIN FEDERLINE's music career has been slammed by talent show judge KARA DIOGUARDI, who insists he would be nowhere without his famous wife BRITNEY SPEARS. The rapper is eagerly awaiting the release of his debut album PLAYING WITH FIRE, which includes a duet with his superstar spouse. But DioGuardi, part of the panel on new show THE ONE: MAKING OF A MUSIC STAR and who has written and produced for CELINE DION, KELLY CLARKSON and THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS, has heard K-FED in action and is not impressed. She tells Celebrity Week, "His rhyming is not so great. I would tell him that if he didn't have a famous wife, I don't know where he would be. And I would tell him that K-Fed is the most retarded name I have ever heard. It is a terrible name. Whoever came up with that name, he needs to break away from them immediately."

Source: ContactMusic


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