Paris Hilton insists she’s not too skinny.

Paris Hilton has always been slim, but recent photos have led some bloggers to call her “scary skinny,” sparking speculation of an eating disorder.
Now, the heiress is speaking out against her critics, telling In Touch that she’s actually in the best shape of her life. “I am healthier than ever,” the self-confessed former junk food addict says, adding that she adopted better habits after moving to London last month to film her new TV show, Paris Hilton’s British Best Friend. “I’ve been eating so healthily since I’ve been here. No sodas and no fast food like I usually do in LA.”
The heiress also attributes her toned body to Pilates. “I’ve really gotten into it since I’ve been here and I love it!” And it actually helps that Paris, 27, has such a busy schedule. “She’s been working too hard on her show to party,” one pal reveals. “She only drinks water when she’s out.”
Boyfriend Benji Madden has been a big support. “One thing that has kept Paris going amidst all the work in England has been Benji’s weekend visits,” the friend says. The Good Charlotte rocker definitely enjoys taking care of her. “She is not only my girlfriend, but my best friend,” he says. “I am in love with the most beautiful woman on the planet.”
“I have been working every day with no days off, but I’m having a great time,” Paris says. “I couldn’t be happier. She is my dream come true in every way,” Benji, 29, tells In Touch.
Source: InTouch Weekly