Jessica Biel singing?

Jessica Biel: model, actress…singer? Maybe so. On Oct. 9, the 7th Heaven veteran, 26, visited the Sunset Marquis’ Night Bird Studio to record tracks for a new movie.
“It’s going to be for a special DVD project,” an insider tells Life & Style. “The studio team said she has a great range and did a really good job.”
Jessica’s musical talent isn’t just something she picked up from boyfriend Justin Timberlake, 27. When she was a child growing up in Boulder, Colo., she trained as a vocalist and played roles in Annie, The Sound of Music and Beauty and the Beast.
As for Justin’s involvement in Jessica’s new career track, the insider says, “He hasn’t stopped by the studio with her yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he did soon.”
Source: lifeandstyle