Lindsay Lohan’s Driver Crashes
Lindsay Lohans driver allegedly ploughed into Tony Bennett's daughter's carand threw a diva-style tantrum.Antonia Bennett claims John Zagata crashed into her car in a Californiarecording studio parking lot on Wednesday (04.25.07).She told the New York Post newspaper: "He was hostile to me. He ran into me,then got out of his car and started yelling at me."Antonia's manager Keya Morgan says Zagata was chatting on his cell phone atthe recording studio when the crash happened.Morgan said: "He then had the nerve to get out of his car and scream, 'Don'tyou know who I am? I represent Lindsay Lohan! How dare you get in my way!' "Morgan claims Zagatta tried to blame a "shaken" Antonia, 29, despite "sixwitnesses, including the secuirty guard who saw him ram her."Antonia's car suffered $2,000 in damages.
Source: Hollywood rag
Source: Hollywood rag