Christina Aguilera throws out baby toys from husband’s family (update)
Christina Aquilera is known for diva behavior, including demanding that reporters not look her in the eye during interviews and showing up hours late for appointments. She was said to have improved her attitude quite a bit with pregnancy, though, and a story in Star Magazine a couple of weeks ago had her acting more generous towards others and buying expensive gifts for her employees and friends.
The old Christina might be back, though. This week Star is reporting that not only has Christina typically insisted that her baby have top-of-the-line everything, but that she even threw out some toys her husband’s family bought her from Babies R Us because they weren’t good enough!
Christina is also said to be planning an ultra-elite baby shower so that she can bring her child into the world with all the brand names she relies on to make her feel superior and worthy of her celebrity status:
Six-months-pregnant Christina Aguilera’s ultra-expensive tastes may be getting out of control! According to a friend of the singer the only way Christina, 26, will participate in a baby shower is if it’s “first class all the way. She wants it to be at a ritzy place like the Beverly Hills Hotel, rather than at a friend’s house, like what was suggested. And she wants a celebrity party planner like Mindy Weiss to organize it rather than her friends. She’s definitely hurt some feelings, the way she handled the situation.”
Not even the star’s patient hubby, Jordan Bratman , 30, seems capable of meeting her lofty expectations, adds the friend. “Jordan came home with some toys for the baby that his family had bought at Babies R Us, but she didn’t like them - so she threw them out! She only wants gifts from the exclusive places she’s registered at, like Bellini, Petit Tresor and Bel Bambini Beverly Hills!”
[From Star Magazine, print edition, October 29, 2007