Review of the book LIve Fearless by Sadie Robertson

I really enjoyed this book. She is so down to earth and honest about her life and herself and her relationship with Jesus and God.

On page 26 she says " God does not produce feelings of fear or anxiety. In fact, its the opposite. God's word tells us over and over again not to worry or fear and is very clear that God doesn't give you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power. If you're anxious or fearful about this, that is not from Him. Forty million people in the US ages 18 and older, suffer from anxiety disorders. On page 52 she says " Many of us are acting like following God means we live a life of misery and saying no to all the fun things in life. Perhaps we haven't yet realized that following Christ is the way to an abundant life-its the way to true joy and a great adventure...If we go to the world as the salt and light as Jesus calls us to, with celebration of what He has done on our lives, others will want to be a part of it too."

On page 53 she says " We have to get to God often and feed ourselves on His word and His presence. We're not going to provide energy for ourselves, much less others, by just going to the top one time and then spending the rest of the time swimming around in darkness. It means going back to the top-back to a very personal place with God-every single day. I don't want to give the impression that a vibrant life with God means nothing will go wrong or that every day will be a party. That's just not true. Life does have its challenges, and disappointments. Sometimes it gets, really, really hard or sad. The pressures we face are not intended to hurt us or discourage us. They are designed to bring out us of the light that is in us because of our love for God and our relationship with Him. When the light comes out of us, it changes the world. Lord Jesus, I am in awe of You and wonder of who You are. I want to know more about You. I want to see more sides of You. Enlighten my mind to see a new side of Your holiness today. As I seek your face, fuel my heart with passion and give me the strength to bypass my enemies to fulfill the purpose You have given me. Thank You, God, for bringing meaning to my life."

Isaiah 43:2-4 says " When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your savior...You are precious and honored in my sight." Sadie says " God, help me to take captive every thought in my mind that is not of You and silence the whispers of the enemy in my ears. I choose to fill my mind with thoughts that are pleasing to You."

Sadie says " We so often think we're right is that we can only see what we can see about our lives. We don't know what is coming around the next bend. God, however, sees the end from the beginning and in His love. He guides us toward the end that He knows will be best for us, not the destination we think is right for us. God can also see the big picture of our lives, while we are usually focused on smaller snapshots. The pastor also noted that God often speaks to us with warnings. This could be an uneasy feeling on the inside, a thought that makes us change direction, or a person who says to us, get yourself off the crazy train. The important point to remember when find yourself on the crazy train is that you don't see the whole picture of your life at any particular time. Sometimes people who love you and care about you can see it more clearly than you do because they're not caught up in your swirling emotions. They're more objective. If they are urging you to get off the crazy train-or if what your thinking about the direction in which you're headed does not align with God's word-seriously consider heeding those warnings."

Sadie says on page 90 " God, I want the big picture that You have in Your mind for my life to become a reality. Help me connect the dots and go through each one with the confidence that You are helping me, walking with me, fighting for me, healing me, and making me strong and free every step of the way." On page 158 she says " People are fickle. only one person who has ever lived who does not change. Ever. I can't say it any better than this: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. If you want someone in your life you  can always depend on, He's the one."


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