Britney Spears Is An Excellent Tipper

Britney Spears is a true class act. The singer tipped a waiter $100 after he helped calm down her son Jayden after he began crying in a restaurant. She definitely appreciates a helping hand whenever she can get one!

Britney was dining out with her two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James in San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles when Jayden started crying and wouldn’t stop. The waiter saw the problem and proceeded to bring over crayons in order to distract him, which ended up impressing the pop singer.

An eyewitness revealed, “Britney just couldn’t calm her tyke down. But a sympathetic waiter, not one assigned to her table, helped save the day when he came over with a box of crayons and started drawing animation action characters. Jayden’s tears dried up instantly as he and his brother got totally absorbed and happy.”

So she gave him the $100 to the guy — aside from her tip to her own waiter. Nice!

In other Britney related news, the singer was revealed to have all but signed on for the upcoming second season of The X Factor USA, after nailing down a $15 million deal.



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