Hugh Laurie defends extras from bullying crew member

Normally a laid back, perfect gentleman, Hugh Laurie suddenly scared the hell out of his House mates when he ripped into an assistant director for bellowing and harassing extras.
After Hugh heard Bully Boy rip into the extras telling them to “shut up and pay attention,” he reacted with a huge Hugh and cry - springing from his seat, getting in the jerk’s face and snarling: “These are people, my friend, and you will treat them as such or you will NOT be working here!”
Bully Boy immediately backed down, but when he tried to walk away, Laurie stopped him and demanded: “Don’t you have something you’d like to say to these good people… like ‘I’m sorry!’?”
Chastised Chump sheepishly offered apologies to everyone and swiftly split!
Source: National Enquirer