Harlow Madden’s Godmother: Paris or Sophie?
Back on January 11th of this year, Nicole Richie and Joel Madden welcomed their new baby daughter Harlow Winter into this world. And only weeks later, they’re welcoming their first public spat as parents.
Reportedly the dispute is over the issue of who will be Harlow’s godmother. The Simple Life starlet is pulling for Paris Hilton to fill the role, while the Good Charlotte rocker has his hopes set on Sophie Monk, his twin brother Benji’s fiancé. And they’re in a deadlock over the issue. According to a source, “Joel doesn’t think Paris is up to the task ... He’s lobbying for Sophie.”
Whether it’s Paris or Sophie remains to be seen. Let’s just hope this little disagreement doesn’t snowball into any serious drama. We’ll let you know when a decision is made.
Source: celebrity-gossip/celebs-britneyluver