Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Page Six reports that Britney's "bubble of illusion" could end in suicide

Some expert named Marty Brenner said, "She's losing it now, and she's going to eventually lose it altogether if she doesn't get the help she needs. She's exhibiting bipolar signs, and she's clearly fighting depression."

Marty Brenner thinks Britney's recent night out where she allegedly screwed a pap has to do with her trash sister being knocked up. "Britney now needs to cry out for even more attention. She's really going for it . . . No one stops to pee that many times. She has a major problem."

The genius known as Marty Brenner went on, "She appears to be crazy. She is disconnected from life. Look how she changes outfits all day . . . She's saying, 'I don't like who I am right now. Maybe I can change it.' Britney also doesn't listen to anybody. Her mom is out of the picture, her kids are gone, and everyone surrounding her is enabling her world of illusion."

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 * I didn’t write this * As you know, I once was an evangelical megachurch pastor and my pastoral career stretched over many years. Eventual...