Lohan The Sex Addict

Lindsay Lohan's boyfriend-for-a-second, Riley Giles, sat down with the ever-classy News of the World to discuss his relationship with Linds. He said she traded her addiction for drugs for an addiction to dick.
He said, "Lindsay's definitely a nymphomaniac. She's wild in bed. We'd have sex a couple of times in the day and then go to it through the night.
"We once did it four times in a row straight. That was crazy. Lindsay was insatiable. She'd demand sex again and again. We'd go at it for hours. She'd have worn out most guys."
He goes on and on saying how Lindsay almost died once from downing pills and falling asleep in a London bath tub. He's also afraid Linds will go back to her old ways now that she's in Los Angele
"When you orgasm, your endorphins shoot up and it becomes a massive natural high. If you have an addictive personality like Lindsay you need that to replace the highs you got from taking drugs all the time. Sex became a key part of her recovery."
Here's Lindsay out shopping the other day