Parents of kids at the Lycée Français de New York on the Upper East Side were told to stop taking pictures of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
A memo was sent out asking everyone to leave them the hell alone.
The memo read:
“Regretfully, I have seen some parents taking pictures, asking for autographs, talking to the media and even shouting at Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt for recognition. Therefore, in the best interests of the school and safety of your child(ren) I must ask for everyone to please respect the family’s privacy and discontinue these practices.”
A source told The New York Observer,“The French are quite civilized. But sure, you have the moms who get there a little earlier to get a little glimpse.” The source also said that Angie has already apologized to parents about the media frenzy caused each day outside the school.
The kids were asked to bring a picture of themselves to school, “He refused. He started crying. Obviously the poor kid has grown up in fear of having his picture taken.”