Maniston Dumped???? Jen's Lies!!!

Maniston took the unusual move today of talking to People Magazine to debunk the "tabloid" rumors that she an Vince Vaughn are engaged.
"I'm not engaged and I don't have a ring and I haven't been proposed to," Jen tells People.
There is a ring, bitch!
Perez has the memory of an elephant, and People themselves reported that Vaughn bought Aniston a Suy Fabrikant ring in their own Jen cover story weeks back.
We're starting to think Man is not even engaged to Vaughn anymore, as Life & Style has been reporting.
As Us Weekly has established, Aniston's publicist, Stephen Huvane, has a history of lying to the public on behalf of his star client. And, Jen herself has lied to us. Liar liar, pants on fire!!!!
In the September 2005 issue of Vanity Fair, the arguably funny sitcom star said at the time: "I am not going out with Vince Vaughn. I barely know the guy!"
Aniston also told Elle magazine last year that Vince was "a friend" and swore, "I don't want to be a rebound girl."
Oh how our past comes back to haunt us!
Is Jen covering up that Vince dumped her?
Sources tell that Vaughn in early July told several friends - including Owen Wilson - about his proposal on the plane after returning from Mexico.
In her new People interview, Jen never even acknowledges that she is still dating Vince.
"We're just being," she tells the mag of her and Vaughn.
According to our moles, Vaughn was in Vegas this past weekend, and Maniston was nowhere to be found! Trouble in Paradise? Hell to the fucking yeah!
Sources close to the situation tell us that that Jen - who has a history of lying to her fans - is also covering something up this time; specifically, that after their engagement on June 27th something has gone horribly wrong with Vaughniston!!
Tabloids have reported for the last two weeks that there is major trouble with Jen and Vince. Now her denial to People today (and what sources are telling suggests there is truth to these reports that the engagement has been CALLED OFF!!!
According to several people close to the situation, Maniston is humiliated at another failed relationship and is doing damage control ASAP!
Sources also tell that no other than Stephen Huvane sat in on the phone call between Jen and People today, controlling what they could use and couldn't use.
Vaughn spent last weekend partying in Vegas at Mandalay Bay, getting drunk and flirting with girls...just like old times. And Jen stayed back ALONE in Malibu all weekend!
Maniston seems way too emotional and emphatic about denying that she is getting married, telling People, "I mean, it couldn't be more of a 'No.'"
Thou doth protest too much!!
Jennifer has never denied "fake" engagement and/or wedding stories before, but suddenly she is denying the Us story.
Something hit a nerve, sources tell us... like a rough patch with boozing and gambling Vince.
Jennifer Aniston has lied and evaded many times before. This is her MO.
Our friends at all the other weeklies are eating this shit up as much as we are!
Source: perezhilton