Review Of Book Costly Grace by Rob Schenck
I really enjoyed this book. I read it in 3 days. On page 54 says " Most people think of ministers as faith filled and dutifully obedient, no matter their circumstances , but that wasn't my experience, nor would it be for most of the men of God I would come to know. We all have breaking points, and clergy are no exception. Like Moses, who lost his temper over the rebellious Israelites and smote the rock, rather than speak to it as God had instructed, I would lose my patience more than once, sinning in the process. One well known evangelist friend who landed in the hospital due to exhaustion recounted to me how he lay in bed moaning why God? Why? I'm doing everything you told me to do. Then he heard a voice from heaven thunder my servant, you're full of shit. It was his rather unconventional way of describing both his moment of reckoning and his irreverent humanity."
On page 70 it says " Evangelists had played a role in getting Reagan elected, and we were determined to flex that newfound muscle by demanding our politicians pay attention to our dislike of homosexual rights, women's rights, and smutty lyrics and urging them to bring back prayer back to public Schools and morality back into the public conversation."
On page 95 it says " I began to see the property life movement as a battle of civil rights. Something deeply, morally wrong was taking place right in front of us, and we could not be among those good people who my father had warned did nothing when the Nazis we're exterminating our people the Jews."
On page 97 it says " I came quickly to know that by 10 or 11 weeks of gestation, all ten fingers and toes of a fetus we're formed, and the face was clearly human. Sonograms we're grainy and rough then, but there were plenty of photos, including in utero ones that showed childlike forms with cherubic faces and tuff's of hair, some even sucking their thumbs. I also came to see the Bible clearly condemned this, affirming the child in the womb as a full member of the human family. God told the prophet Jeremiah before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. There was no nuisance here, no relative meaning, no justification. Abortion was wrong in each and every instance. "
On page 126 it says " I spoke about the sanctity and inherent values of every human life, including the most fragile and vulnerable of God's creatures in the womb. I compared our times to biblical days when Molech was the false idol to which humans were sacrifices. We too worship false God, the false God's of selfishness,zyzal of financial security, of a better life, and we are offering our children as human sacrifices on that idols altar. That is an abomination in the eyes of God. " On page 130 it says " Present Clinton prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals in the military. It was a policy signaled an unleashing of sodomy and perversion in the unlikeliest of places, the armed services. "
On page 213 it says " President Bush said the right to life cannot be granted or decreed by government, Because it does not come from the government, it comes from the creator of life. " On page 275 it says " A scenario in which someone walks into a crowded church, pulls out a gun, threatening to take our the whole congregation. If there was not someone else with a weapon, it would be a mass homicide, Because the only thing that stops a bad guy is a good guy with a gun." On page 252 it says" Grace is costly Because it was costly to God, because it cost God the life of God's son. "
On page 70 it says " Evangelists had played a role in getting Reagan elected, and we were determined to flex that newfound muscle by demanding our politicians pay attention to our dislike of homosexual rights, women's rights, and smutty lyrics and urging them to bring back prayer back to public Schools and morality back into the public conversation."
On page 95 it says " I began to see the property life movement as a battle of civil rights. Something deeply, morally wrong was taking place right in front of us, and we could not be among those good people who my father had warned did nothing when the Nazis we're exterminating our people the Jews."
On page 97 it says " I came quickly to know that by 10 or 11 weeks of gestation, all ten fingers and toes of a fetus we're formed, and the face was clearly human. Sonograms we're grainy and rough then, but there were plenty of photos, including in utero ones that showed childlike forms with cherubic faces and tuff's of hair, some even sucking their thumbs. I also came to see the Bible clearly condemned this, affirming the child in the womb as a full member of the human family. God told the prophet Jeremiah before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. There was no nuisance here, no relative meaning, no justification. Abortion was wrong in each and every instance. "
On page 126 it says " I spoke about the sanctity and inherent values of every human life, including the most fragile and vulnerable of God's creatures in the womb. I compared our times to biblical days when Molech was the false idol to which humans were sacrifices. We too worship false God, the false God's of selfishness,zyzal of financial security, of a better life, and we are offering our children as human sacrifices on that idols altar. That is an abomination in the eyes of God. " On page 130 it says " Present Clinton prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals in the military. It was a policy signaled an unleashing of sodomy and perversion in the unlikeliest of places, the armed services. "
On page 213 it says " President Bush said the right to life cannot be granted or decreed by government, Because it does not come from the government, it comes from the creator of life. " On page 275 it says " A scenario in which someone walks into a crowded church, pulls out a gun, threatening to take our the whole congregation. If there was not someone else with a weapon, it would be a mass homicide, Because the only thing that stops a bad guy is a good guy with a gun." On page 252 it says" Grace is costly Because it was costly to God, because it cost God the life of God's son. "