Review Of The Book More Than You Can Handle by Nate Pyle

This book encourages us how to stay strong when we feel doubt and down in our life. The author felt like that sometimes and shares what we learned with us.

Someone wrote on the barracks wall of Auschwitz this " There is Grace, though and wander , on the way, Only they are hard to see, hard to embrace,for those compelled to wander in the darkness". This is a book about finding God and Grace as we wander in a darkness that is more than we can handle. It's about the moments when we're so overwhelmed that we wander direction less towards unknown destinations. It's about those times when we wonder if the God who promises to guide us had run far ahead and left us behind to stumble in the darkness on our own.

On page 26 it says " Your pain is real. Your suffering is legitimate. What you are facing is more than you can handle. " On page 35 it says " Paul- the one who was shipwrecked for the sake of the Gospel, whose faith was so strong that people were healed when they touched rags he used to wipe his brow, who converted guards while in jail, who brazeingly stood before rulers and confessed Jesus as Lord, said he despaired of life. He didn't just have a bad day. The pain was too great. He wanted to give up. He considered abandoning everything because it no longer seemed worth the struggle.  It is when we are at our frailest that Christ's power can rest on us. When we can no longer keep going. When we're empty. Confused. Exhausted. "

On page 75 it says " Suffering is a reality whenever our ability to flourish is stolen from us.  There is an unspoken pressure to dance, smile, and thank God for his faithfulness. This is what good Christians do, isn't it?

On page 89 he asks" Why was the temptation to be like God so compelling to Eve? Is it because the anxiety and fear of not knowing what tomorrow would bring subtly gnawed at her just before she fell asleep. "

On page 132 it says " What kind of God demands that action as a test of faith? What kind of God forces the the choices between the God who promised you an unimaginable legacy or the son you prayed for. Even if it was all a simple test, it is cruel in the highest sense."

On page 167 it says " the one young child too light to quickly expedite his own death hung at the end of the rope for a hellish amount of time. He remained for more than a half an hour , lingering between life and death. We were forced to look at him at close range. For God's sake, where is God? "

On page 179 it says " God doesn't doesn't just offer a cure. God brings wholeness. Jesus didn't stop Peter from disowning him, but he did restore him. Jesus didn't end Mary's pain as she watched her son die, but he did see that was cared for. " On page 189 it says " our heavenly father adopts us as sons and daughters, and he wraps his robe around iur shoulders ."

Disclosure  of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


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