Review of the book Dear Deb by Margaret Terry

 **This review might offend some people. If you get offended after reading this then please do not leave a rude comment. I will simply ban you and delete your comment. Thanks**

This book was about a woman who had a friend that was battling cancer and decided to write letters to her friend to encourage her in the last days. I enjoyed reading about the letters and funny stories the woman wrote about her family and life because I felt like even though the letters were for Deb, I could relate to them about my life.

I liked the quote on page xvi which reads " we hug the same people every Sunday for years , we watch their children grow, and we share their trials and yet for some reason we limit our relationship to church friend." I like this quote because it seems like every Sunday when we meet at the Kingdom Hall, we are nice to people there and yet we don't really talk to people outside of that. Its like we like to stay in our comfort zone.

I also like the quote on page 28 which says " Faith has taught me that no matter how much I want to control where I end up, the control isn't mine to have." I like that because I learned that you can try your best in life to have control but things happen in life that take you by surprise. I never thought I would have two seizures but yet I did. Sometimes we just have to run with life's punches, lol. I also like the quote on page 29 which reads " Animals make you love them ;then they die and break your heart." I lost my dog way back in December of last year and my heart truly broke and I have never gotten over him and I never will.

I also liked the quote on page 76 which reads " GOD is the rock". I like that because its true. When we are feeling down or disheartened, pray to GOD and he is always there for us. Like in the scripture Psalm 62:6 which reads" Truly he is my rock and my salvation."

My only complaint was about Jesus being born on Christmas and celebrating Christmas and that is simply not true.  Luke 2:8-11 shows that the shepherds were in the fields in night at the time of Jesus's birth. And that the winter is unlikely because the gospel says the shepherds where in the fields all night.  There is more to go into but if you have any questions you can leave me a comment and I can go into more details.

I also like the quote on page 157 which reads " GOD knew three thousand years ago that we would be the same. That we would want the same things, that we would have the same needs, and that we would need the same wise words-to solve differences, to find answers and meaning in their lives. And I though of how many have found comfort in these words...people in trouble, people at war, hurt people, lost people, people like me."  I enjoyed this because the bible hasn't changed, its always been full of encouraging scriptures and ways to solve our problems, GOD hasn't changed, people did, that's why the bible is still good for us today and is not old-fashioned.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising


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