Things I learned from a book called David Limbaugh called Jesus is Risen

On page 56 it says" we should always strive to grow in our Christian walk, seek God in prayer,study his word to plum the unfamathomable depths of his riches."

On page 60 it says " the reason why God didn't rescue Paul from prison as he does Peter, because God arranged for Paul to convert the jailer,he observes, it is beautiful that Paul sings hymns, while Peter sleeps."

On page 64 it said " staying daily in the Word and prayer, seeking to know the heart and wisdom of God and he will bless those efforts."

On page 74 it says " why they are testing God by placing a home on the disciple's necks that they and their ancestors couldn't bear. The yoke he refers to the set of laws and rules they have lived with under and want to preserve. After all their salvation is based on faith in Christ, not works of law."

On page 88 it says " ironically, demons are the first to recognize Jesus's identity during his earthly ministry. While the demons recognize him, they don't place their faith in him. As Jesus proclaimed but if it's by the finger of God that I cast you out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you"


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