Review Of The Book Behind The Laughter By Anthony Griffith

I will admit this book was very boring and I almost gave up on it. He is a comedian who is married and loses his little girl to cancer. He starts questioning God and ends up with MS as well which deteriorated his health and had his wife end up becoming his caretaker.

On page 111 he says" If I could go back in would be there will be times when you will be angry or sad and it's ok to feel everything that you're feeling right now. There's nothing wrong or bad about it. You're in mourning. ...You are broken. You've had tramua. Everyone needs a sounding board or someone to understand them. As Brigitte likes to say, you have to take care of yourself. If that means therapy, taking time out, getting away from everyone,then do it. "

On page 133 it says " You are depressed. You don't hear the birds chirping, you don't smell the roses. But you go about life. We were just going through the motions. You do this, you do that, but there was no joy. "

On page 177 he says " Grieving doesn't have a time limit. It doesn't have an expiration date. Tomorrow is not promised, you must love and enjoy every day. In the Bible when king David lost his son, he said can I bring him back?. Life is cruel some times. It's okay to have whatever emotion you have when you lose someone. If you want to cry, if you want to get mad, if you want to shout out, God's shoulders are big enough. It's ok. He still has you."

On page 197 he says," You can go through the stages of loss. You have anger, depression and you can work on depression. You can be depressed...and still function, still make people laugh, still go through life..."

Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the federal trade comissions 16 CFR part ,255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsement and Testimonials in Advertising."


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