Review of the book Move into More by Choco De Jesus

I am a fan of this author on Facebook and am part of his group on Facebook as well. I was given a chance to pre order this book for an early access into what the book is about and to read a few first chapters to share with everyone. Here is my review

I like what the author says on page 34 which is " maybe you feel stuck in a rut, caught up in routines that leave you feeling like there will never be anymore more. You love God, but your relationship with him has grown stale. You feel dizzy from all the pushing and pulling of life's demands, and stilling yourself before God is a challenge. You long for God's peace , for a sense of joy of fulfillment that you taste when you're doing what you know God made you to do. "

On page 43 the author says " we can always care. We can always give the way Jesus gave-unconditionally, sacrificially, compassionately." On page 58 the author says "... He had no need for a better speaker. No need to wait for people to accept him. No need to wait for the condition's to be right. No need to wait until the threat to his life was completely gone. No need to wait for anything."

I also like what the author says on page 73 which is " My job wasn't to please everyone or to protect the reputation of our church at the expense of the church. My job was to maintain God's standards, including obedience to the law of the land. My job was to make our church a safe and secure environment where parents, grandparents, and community members knew their kids would be protected. "

On page 99 the author says " you never stopped worshipping. You never stopped believing. Even when you worship discouraged, God's power will manifest in you and through you." On page 147 the author says " when you and I experience God's more, we're also compelled to take risks so that others may experience it too. It's not easy, and often it takes us out of our comfort zone, but sacrificing ourselves for others brings us closer to the heart of Jesus. When we follow his example, we discover that risking more of ourselves usually leads to experiencing more of God."


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