Review of the book Evidence That Demands A Verdict
This is a really good book. It shows you scriptures from the bible and other points of view such as authors and their own personal beliefs all to show you the bible is evidently true and correct. I have only gotten to page 280 but have hit a road block so I will only review up into that point. In the introduction on page xxxix Professor of philosophy David Horner explains " Faith and reason are friends and partners. They go together. They need each other and cannot flourish or even survive apart. Our faith should be a reasonable faithful reason-one that recognizes the inevitable and rationally necessary presence of trust and commitment. Trusting and committing yourself to what you have good reason to think is true and trustworthy, in those cases when doing so is appropriate thing you can do."
Another quote I enjoyed from Timothy Keller says " When Martin Luther King ,Jr. confronted racism in the white church in the South, he did not call on Southern churches to become more secular. He called white Christians to be more true to their own beliefs and to realize what the Bible really teaches. He did not say 'Truth is relative and everyone is free to determine what is right or wrong for them.' If everything is relative, there would have been no incentive for white people in the South to give up their power. Rather, Dr King invoked the prophet Amos, who said " Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness as a mighty stream." The greatest champion of justice in our era knew the antidote to racism was not less Christianity, but a deeper and truer Christianity.
I liked the quote on page 14 which says "two examples of attempt to destroy the bible, one ancient and one recent, demonstrate the ferocity of Christianity's opponents" I liked reading about the different ways the bible was written down such as papyri. On the page 267 Evidence for the Appearance of Jesus, Moreland makes a case for the historicity of the appearance of Jesus. "Several features of the appearance narratives argue for their historicity. First we early testimony by Paul himself that he saw that resurrected Christ. This is strong evidence, for Paul was obviously sincere in his testimony and he understood the resurrection of Jesus as a bodily resurrection. Second, women were the first to see the risen Christ and, given status of women as witnesses in first century, this fact is hard to understand if it really did not happen..."
Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Another quote I enjoyed from Timothy Keller says " When Martin Luther King ,Jr. confronted racism in the white church in the South, he did not call on Southern churches to become more secular. He called white Christians to be more true to their own beliefs and to realize what the Bible really teaches. He did not say 'Truth is relative and everyone is free to determine what is right or wrong for them.' If everything is relative, there would have been no incentive for white people in the South to give up their power. Rather, Dr King invoked the prophet Amos, who said " Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness as a mighty stream." The greatest champion of justice in our era knew the antidote to racism was not less Christianity, but a deeper and truer Christianity.
I liked the quote on page 14 which says "two examples of attempt to destroy the bible, one ancient and one recent, demonstrate the ferocity of Christianity's opponents" I liked reading about the different ways the bible was written down such as papyri. On the page 267 Evidence for the Appearance of Jesus, Moreland makes a case for the historicity of the appearance of Jesus. "Several features of the appearance narratives argue for their historicity. First we early testimony by Paul himself that he saw that resurrected Christ. This is strong evidence, for Paul was obviously sincere in his testimony and he understood the resurrection of Jesus as a bodily resurrection. Second, women were the first to see the risen Christ and, given status of women as witnesses in first century, this fact is hard to understand if it really did not happen..."
Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."