A Time to Stand by Robert Whitlow Review

This book was a really good book! It was about a white cop who was accused of critically injuring a black teenager after he got the report that the teenage boy had taken part in a robbery was on the run. The book is how his lawyers try to show him as innocent and not end up in jail. Religion played a big part in this book, the lawyer that was representing him, found GOD and become a religious person which helped her and her client. I read the whole book in about a day because I could not put it down. I did not see the ending of the book at all and had me in suspense the entire time. This book was interesting because blacks and whites had different views on everything and didn't always agree. Black people said cops were out to get them because of their race. White cops didn't want to be seen as racists. This was my first time reading this author and I would recommend this author to everyone I know and try to find more books by this author. When the white cop was accused of his crime the way the blacks treated him was uncalled for. Shots were fired into his house which endangered his family. It was like the black people wanted retaliation which isn't very safe or a smart way to help move things along. The only black person who was courteous in all of this was the black suspects aunt who forgave the man regardless of his outcome because that's what God showed us to do.

Disclosure of Material Connection. I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Comission's 16 CFR, part 255. "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


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