Review of My Violet VoxBox from Influnester

I really enjoyed getting this box from Infleunster, Influenster gave me this for testing products and reviewing my opinion of the products!
The product we tried first was the Soy Joy bar, my husband enjoyed it for breakfast and ate it at work. Then I got to try this awesome hand-band from Goody, I like that in came in the color black, that it goes with everything and that it's comfortable and makes my hair look great as well. Then I got to try triple shine nail polish from Sally Hansen and I liked it because it looked great on my nails, and tried quickly then other polishes and stayed for over a week on my nails. Then I got to try this Montagne Jeunesse Clay Spa mask which made my face glow and helped me relax, my only complaint is that I didn't enjoy the overpowering smell that stayed on my face and hands the rest of the day! The only product I didn't try was the Not Your Mother's Clean Freak dry shampoo because I hardly ever use dry shampoo but I have put it in my sample closet to try for a different day! All in all I would say my box was a success!