Review of the book Invisible by Ginny L Yttrup

This book was a book about this woman who owns a resturant and is the main chef there and how she falls in love with this one guy and they end up getting married and how she gets close to these 2 girls and they become best friends as well.

I liked the characters in the book, my only compliant was that I got confused because in each chapter a different character was sharing their experience so other than that I enjoyed the book. I liked the characters because they all had real problems that we all face today. Such as hating our body images, how we use food to solve our problems and that we sometimes eat ourselves sick because we are not really hungry but are eating to fill the void in our pain. All in all I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait to read another one. I read this book in 2 hours 30 min while sitting on the couch and got carried away with the book and lost track of time.


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