Britney Spears visits Z100 for an interview(9/29)

Here is the transcript:
' Something I thought I'd never say.. first of all it's JJ on Z100.. in studio- I mean she just popped in- we found out about it exactly four minutes ago please welcome, into the studio and I'm not lying it's not a joke Miss Britney Spears '
- clapping.. Britney laughs -
' It's so amazing because all weekend on Z100 we were playing the new song- womanizer- and classic Britney ..'
Britney: Thank you!
'..tracks and here you are magically appearing in the studio.'
Britney: That's so crazy thank you for playing my songs like that, that's awesome.
' You look amazing in person '
Britney: Why thank you
'.. I mean the blogs never do you justice.. I mean in person, I mean the hair- everything she's got the cool sunglasses on in the studio, she looks radiant '
Britney: oh you're so nice.. you're too kind thank you.
' The sixth studio album circus- you've been working on for a long time.. it took a while- huh?'
Britney: yeah
' and you were like all over the country dropping different tracks- you were in Vegas for a while do certain tracks and different things.. tell me about it'
Britney: well.. um -clears throat- actually I did it, I cut it like two weeks ago
'recut the album two weeks ago?'
Britney: no no no I cut circus like two weeks ago
' okay okay '
Britney: yeah- so it's kinda.. umm at the end of the whole album where you know cycles so umm.. yeah but I've been working on this album for like 6 months now.. soo
'different parts of it and different places and redoing it and resinging stuff and..'
Britney: yeah
' different tracks .. talk about womanizer real quick'
Britney: umm it's a really cool song I like the fact that it's so empowering for girls because it's basically saying y'know we know what you're up to.. y'know it's about guys cheating on other girls and stuff like that and it's kinda like a girl anthem.. soo that's why I like it.
' so did you expect that so many women could relate to it like OMG my man - we just broke up for that reason Britney's my girl she understands how it is I can get through my day - did you expect that would happen?'
Britney: that's exactly what I felt when I heard the song you know what I mean so hopefully the fans will y'know see it that way too
' and congratulations on the VMA finally- huh!'
Britney: I know right!
' many VMA's for that.. and I heard that you weren't crazy about the actual video for- err- for Piece of Me. you were just like okay ho-hum.. is this true?'
Britney: UM. I mean it's a cool video but I think by far I've done videos that are way better so I was really shocked that y'know it got the award y'know so..
' so are you glad or like okay that's great but man I did some other really cool stuff '
Britney: - laughing - yeah but it was just inspiring though cause now you know going forward with the videos that I'm doing now I can really go there and do something crazy and see what happens
' I gotta ask about the T word here are we gonna see a tour anytime soon- we're dying for a tour'
Britney: oh definitely next year- definitely
' is that what all the dancing and stuff is for on the side getting ready for it? '
Britney: oh yeah definitely
' getting in shape '
Britney: mhm
' cool! so do you think that you're gonna go all around the world? or just stick to the US'
Britney: umm.. probibly all around the world
'excellent- Britney all around the world! anything else you want to say to New York city that we don't all ready know?'
Britney: I miss it here so much I love it so much it makes me it's kinda like a er bitter sweet coming here 'cause I used to live here for two years and when I come here it's like Man I wish I had my apartment here still and stuff like that but I love it- it's the energy- it's crazy '
' what's the one thing you most crave when you come back to the city you have to have food wise.. entertainment wise..
Britney: umm the pizza -laughing-
'you gotta get some pizza'
Britney: -laughing at this -
' when you've been away for a long time do you come back and like I'll just have a slice or do you have the whole pizza and then hit the tread mill'
Britney: umm.. wait - what?
' when you come back- I know strange question- (Britney laughing) when you come back is it like I'll just have one slice of pizza, or do you get the whole pizza eat it and then hit the treadmill '
Britney: oh I eat- I eat what I want, I have to yes - definitely
'advice for all the ladies.. Britney Spears says that when you're on vacation in town eat whatever you want- then get on the treadmill '
Britney: yes definitely
' excellent- well I think we should hear womanizer right now would you like to introduce it right now on Z100'
Britney: yes this is my new song womanizer - hope you guys like it!
' and this really is Britney Spears on Z100'